Wednesday, August 22, 2007

of palanca awards and jealousy

so minutes after posting today's blog entry, i'm writing again. all because i'm all crimson with jealousy. i'm googling palanca awardees, searching for short stories and poetries.

dean alfar's the shit, though i really don't know if he won again this year just that he won the grand prize and other 9 palanca awards from the past years. dammit. i'm just sooo, well, jealous. i'm going to try, one of these days, when i'm good enough. i promise myself that i will try. and if i fail, i won't do a 'tisa' and sulk, i will try again. because i want to write and i want to prove to myself that i can be good at it. i'm going to be like dean alfar, and i'm going to marry my own nikki. ok that doesn't make sense. i want to write!!!

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