Tuesday, January 23, 2007

caffeine high

another sleepless night. nights like this, i can only depend on coffee. coffee, coffee, coffee. but my body seems to have been immuned of caffeine, it no longer works for me. i can only enjoy it's bitter sweet taste, the heat, the aroma but not the purpose it is supposed to give me. oh caffeine, i seem to have only been living for nights when i'd get to have a reason to make myself a cup, or two, okay, sometimes three.
single life is fun, really. but sometimes it can be inanely pathetic and dull. you'd wake up in the morning and sit at the end of your bed wondering why you still open your eyes when the sun begins to rise when this day would be exactly like yesterday. it's like reliving a painful day over and over again. it sucks. and then you remember "oh, right, i can make coffee tonight" and the rays of early june sun would drop like tiny poka dots in your burnt skin, and everything would seem all right.
you'd get on with your life thinking ''just get through the day, and then you can have your coffee.'' oh joy. life is great.

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